Running Posts

Finally Open!

By August 27, 2014 No Comments

I feel like we’ve been working for so long to get open and yet as we came down to the wire on our opening date I wished we’d had another six months. It’s been so stressful opening our doors but the support we received made it worth it. We had so many people walk in over the last few days so thrilled that we are here. Saying what we had been saying for months – there are a lot of runners around here and there should be a store to accommodate them.

We are going to have our first nutritional post in the next week or so with a Fall inspired menu idea that’s geared for those training for a long race this season. We hope to do that every month or so.

Thanks for those who made it out for the Newton run on Monday. It was a neat way for people who had never experienced the feel of Newtons to pound the town with our staff and test them. We are going to be doing more of those with our other lines as well.

I’ve also had some people asking me about a local running group through the store. We are absolutely open to forming a weekly group so if you’re interested please email me ([email protected]). Runners from all levels are welcome so don’t be shy.

Thanks again everyone for helping make this store possible.