Looks like the fall weather has finally arrived. Congrats to all the student athletes who competed in regionals this week. We wish all those who moved on to states good luck this weekend!
This month we are starting our next #IRunMoore ambassador with Jose Flores. Jose is a great friend of the store who always comes in with a smile on his face. We hope enjoy getting to know Jose as much as we have here at the store.

Mi Gente! (in Spanish this means my people) I am honored to be selected as the November Run Moore Ambassador. We are all blessed to have the Run Moore store because of all the great things the organization provides to our community. I want to thank Steve and his amazing staff for always being friendly, helping and providing great advice.

My name is Jose Flores, and running is one part of my purpose in life. I’m from Brooklyn NY, where in High School we did our training runs through the streets of NY because our school didn’t have a track, so I learned to how to sprint and dodge traffic pretty good! This skillset really helped me when I joined the Army.
About 5 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer, went through the procedures and have been cancer free ever since. I don’t take anything for granted, including my health. Every day is a good day for running! One of my favorites races is the Marine Corps Marathon which I completed last month. I ran for the Semper Fi fund which provides immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to post 9/11 combat wounded, critically ill and catastrophically injured service members. It rained most of the time, but in the Army it’s called liquid sunshine, so it was all good! As I used to tell my soldiers inclement weather builds character.

Throughout this month as you deploy with me, I will give you my insight and philosophy on physical, mental & spiritual balance. Mi Gente stay motivated! Moving forward! HOOAH!